Taitropin HGH 100iu


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  • United States dollar ($) - USD


disappeared from the black market to be replaced by its successor Hypertropin. Nowadays majority of Taitropin on the black market is considered to be counterfeit.

Side effects of Taitropin

Depending on the dosage and each individual’s response to growth hormone treatment Taitropin produces typical side effects associated with high purity somatropin. These side effects range from requirement to take afternoon “baby” naps, carpal tunnel syndrome, water retention, morning aches and hypoglycemia.

how to use the Taitropin ?

These are the typical hGH doses that people use:

Anti-Aging: 2iu-4iu daily

Fat loss: 4iu-8iu daily

Muscle building: 8iu-24iu daily

* Most people follow one of the following protocols:

– Every day injections

– Every day injections, with 2 days off every 6th day (a.k.a. 5 days on, 2 days off)

– Alternate day injections – In this manner the dose taken every other day is double that of the “”Every day injection”” protocol.


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