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Hutrope is a pre-filled pen designed to be used with NovoFine disposable needles. The dose is delivered in clicks. Hutrope delivers 1-29 clicks in increments of 1 click for each injection. The dose/ click is 0.0667 mg (5 mg/1.5 mL). In the package leaflet for each strength a range of doses in mg/number of clicks is given in a conversion table.

The dosage is individual and must always be adjusted in accordance with individual’s clinical and biochemical response to therapy. Generally, daily SC injection in the evening is recommended. The injection site should be varied to prevent lipoatrophy. Prescription only. For the injection procedure, please see the instruction manual for Hutrope 5 mg/1.5 mL.

Patients should be reminded to wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water and/or disinfectant prior to any contact with Hutrope. Hutrope should not be shaken vigorously at any time.