Name:Dianabol 50mg Brand: Helix Pharma




Buy Dianabol 50mg

Buy Dianabol 50mg – This is one of the most widely available anabolic steroids of all time. Dianabol is also very famous among individuals new to fitness that are seeking ways to boost their progress in gaining muscle mass and boosting their energy levels to achieve more powerful exercise sessions.

What is it?

With Dianabol, you can rapidly boost production of your body’s free testosterone. It can also increase the production of red blood cells. Giving solid recovery rates and improves your body’s ability to retain nitrogen. It burns body fat and increases strength.


Above all where Dianabol builds muscle by increasing the amount of testosterone in a man’s body responsible for muscle growth, strength gains, and sex drive. It also lets muscles keep more nitrogen. It has many results


  • Improved Muscle Mass: It is directly responsible for muscle growth and recovery.

  • Boost RBC production: Increase in more red cell production, which results in more oxygen flow. This enhances performance and stamina while training.

  • Lean mass gain: Higher testosterone levels result in a leaner body. The body burns fat. It keeps and builds more muscle mass.

  • Get rid of fatigue: Dianabol reduces fatigue. Having higher levels of testosterone provides you more energy during the workouts. Helps in recovering faster.


  • Testosterone Enanthate

  • Deca Durabolin

  • Trenbolone

  • Primobolan

  • Winstrol


When you buy Dianabol Start with a very low dose and see how your body reacts to it.

In one pre-workout session, 15mg dose per day should be fine. You can increase it to 25-30mg per day in the third week if your body doesn’t show any side effects.

Buy Dianabol 50mg

Dianabol is the brand name for Methandrostenolone. Dianabol is know as a very effective mass builder. Generally Dianabol is taken in a bulk cycle. Stacks well with Deca-Durabolin and Testosterone Enanthate.

Dianabol can have significant negative effects on the liver so cycles are normally no longer than 8 weeks.

The half life of Dianabol is about 4 hours. If you want to keep your blood level steady it is advised to take it throughout the day. You can also take it as a single dose which will give you a higher blood level at one time

Because Dianabol is a powerful steroid it comes with negative side effects. It converts to estrogen which can cause Gynecomastia. Nolvadex and/or Provironum can be taken as anti estrogens to combat this. Bloating is a huge problem, as you get a lot of water retention.