Name:Cypionat Quality 250mg


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  • United States dollar ($) - USD



What Is Cypionte 250?

Testosterone Cypionate 250 and also Enanthate, Propionate are synthetic versions of testosterone.

It is administered intramuscularly as an injectable drug. Testosterone Cypionate it is self injectable steroid. After your teacher teaches you how you can use Cypionat 250 in a cycle.


Dragon Pharma Testosterone Cypionate can be purchased as the brand drug name: Depo Testosterone, Test Cyp 250, Cypionat 250, Test Cypionate, Testosterone Cyp, Testosterone C 250. You can also get it as a generic drug. Generic drugs may not be in the same strength or form as brand-name drugs.


Cypionat 250 Cycle

Simplest Cypionat cycle for beginners would be from 10 week to 12 week at 1-2ml per week followed by post cycle therapy with Clomid. For strength goal use stack testosterone cypionate with Oral Tren and for cutting it is better to use Testosterone Propionate cycle.


All possible dosages may not be included here. Your dosage will depend on:


your age; the condition being treated; how severe your condition is; other medical conditions you have; how you react to the first dose.


Common Test C 250 Side Effects

The more common side effects of Dragon Pharma Test – testosterone cypionate can include:



pain and swelling at injection site

hair growth


more frequent erections

erections that last longer than normal

mood swings



250 mg Testosterone Cypionate can be replaced with Enantat 250, they are almost identical in chemical structure except that testosterone cypionate contains an extra carbon atom, which prolongs its half-life by 8 days, while Testosterone Enanthate lasts for 7 day.


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